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Re: Jesus as the Serpent of Genesis in Secret Mark?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Giuseppe
The equation Serpent = Eve is made by Clement Alexandrinus:

The bacchanals hold their orgies in honour of the frenzied Dionysus, celebrating their sacred frenzy by the eating of raw flesh, and go through the distribution of the parts of butchered victims, crowned with snakes, shrieking out the name of that Eva by whom error came into the world. The symbol of the Bacchic orgies is a consecrated serpent. Moreover, according to the strict interpretation of the Hebrew term, the name Hevia, aspirated, signifies a female serpent.

So, if Secret Mark is authentic, then it is a perfect example of anti-judaizing exegesis insofar:

1) the young naked has to be a woman

2) Eve is a woman

3) ''Eve'' is a Jewish term meaning female serpent (per Clemens)

4) the young naked has to resemble Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus is the Serpent of Genesis.

Therefore the judaizing counter-exegesis would have removed Secret Mark, for obvious reasons.