צביוני and the Origin of the Ebionites

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Secret Alias
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Re: צביוני and the Origin of the Ebionites

Post by Secret Alias »

Μεγάλης βουλῆς ἄγγελος (Isaiah 9:6). This is Jesus according to the Fathers. But βουλή means 'will.' The angel of Great Will.

God the Father in diverse ways signifes the Word who is issued from his own
substance. For he calls him his own tongue (γλῶσσαν ἰδίαν), not as one who
speaks something else other than that which is in him. For the tongue in us also
does this, by transmitting (διαπορθμεύουσα) those things in the mind and
heart to those external to us. And he also says that he is the pen of a stenographer
(τοῦ ὀξυγράφου). For the pen of a stenographer quickly impresses
(ὀξέως . . . ἐναποσημαίνεται) upon tablets the voices of some certain persons.
And the Only-begotten Word of God fullls this same thing by intellectually inscribing
(νοητῶς ἐγχαράττων) on the hearts of those who believe the great
and wise and true will (βούλημα) of the Father. And in the gospels he himself
explains what the will (θέλημα) of the Father is, when he says, ‘That of all that
you have given to me I should lose none of it, but should raise it up on the last
day’ (John 6:39). And he does so in another way, for he inscribes (ἐγγράφει)
in us the good and acceptable will of the Father (cf. Rom. 12:2).

Therefore, the pen of the Father is exceedingly fast (Ὀξὺς). For, on the one hand, the law
which was through Moses hints at what is benecial in an obscure and diffcult
manner, in long, round-about ways of speaking, and with much diffculty, I
mean that which was according to the letter. But on the other hand, the Savior
and Lord of all, without any circumlocution, reveals (ἀπεκάλυψεν) the will
(θέλημα) of the Father concisely, as I said. For he is ‘the messenger of great
counsel’ (Is. 9:6). [Cyril of Alexandria]
“Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.”
― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote
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