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What is Sige?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:14 pm
by Joseph D. L.
Reading over Irenaeus' comments about Marcus, I'm left perplexed. Typically, Irenaeus is clear to get his point across as to what he perceives the beliefs and practices of heretics are--for as mistaken as these perceptions may be. But his explanation of Marcus, and of his Sige, is baffling me. At some points it seems that it is perhaps a manifestation of Logos in the form of letters (hence its meaning of Silence); but at another time it seems to be a transmutive spirit, and stills others a companion on par with Helen and Philumena.

On one level I can understand what it is Sige is supposed to encapsulate--or rather, what suppose to encapsulate it--, but on another level I'm simply lost.

In fact, it's these comments that leave to wonder if the portions with Marcus were actually derived from Justin's work on Marcion, cobbled together with Tertullian's first foray on Marcion.