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Justin: Jesus came for the destruction of idols

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:13 am
by Giuseppe
Justin was not so limited after all. He understood that any Gospel story says essentially the usual leit-motiv:
1) Jesus expels the demons
2) Jesus dies and rises.

For Paul, however, the point 1 comes before the point 2, as the demons will recognize their previous victim as the Son of God.
Expulsion of demons on a so high scale (as described by the Gospels) was function of the Parusia.

Question: was the gospel written "to fulfill" on the earth what didn't happen: precisely, the Parusia ?

After the reading of the Gospels, one realizes that the "kingdom of God" is already came "with power" with the miracles stories (prevalently: exorcisms) about Jesus.

The Gospel as apology and remedy against failed apocalypticism.