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The Jew of Celsus Shares the Marcionite Objection to the Title Christ being Applied to Jesus

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 5:57 am
by Secret Alias
There is this weird Christian obsession that their opinions about THE Messiah should be allowed to sit side by side with Jewish speculations or that perhaps some Jews expected The Messiah to be like Jesus. Not only did the Marcionites back up the Jewish expectation of what the title THE Messiah meant, so did the "Jew" of Celsus. file:///C:/Users/world/Downloads/A_Samaritan_Broadside_from_the_Mid_Secon.pdf It would seem that Christians broke into the discussion of ideas in the third century, invented a new way of approaching "THE Messiah" and its expectation and basically forced their way through sheer numbers to make it seem as if THE Messiah could apply to Jesus. Before this, the Marcionites and whatever other Christians there were following a first century tradition imagined Jesus to have godly status through a whole other set of beliefs and expectations which did not tread or draw inspiration from the Jewish military expectation for The Messiah and was opposed against it.